NEML2 1.4.0
No Matches
LabeledVector Member List

This is the complete list of members for LabeledVector, including all inherited members.

_axesLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >protected
_tensorLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >protected
accumulate(const LabeledVector &other, bool recursive=true)LabeledVector
axes() constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >inline
axis(TorchSize i=0) constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >inline
base_dim() constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
base_index(TorchSlice indices) constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
base_index_put(TorchSlice indices, const torch::Tensor &other)LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
base_sizes() constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
batch_dim() constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
batch_index(TorchSlice indices) constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
batch_index_put(TorchSlice indices, const torch::Tensor &other)LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
batch_sizes() constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
block(S &&... names) constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
clone(torch::MemoryFormat memory_format=torch::MemoryFormat::Contiguous) constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
copy_(const T &other)LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
detach() constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
detach_()LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
empty(TorchShapeRef batch_shape, const std::vector< const LabeledAxis * > &axes, const torch::TensorOptions &options=default_tensor_options())LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >static
empty_like(const LabeledVector &other)LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >static
fill(const LabeledVector &other, bool recursive=true)LabeledVector
get(S &&... names) constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >inline
get_list(S &&... names) constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >inline
LabeledTensor()=defaultLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
LabeledTensor(const torch::Tensor &tensor, TorchSize batch_dim, const std::vector< const LabeledAxis * > &axes)LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
LabeledTensor(const BatchTensor &tensor, const std::vector< const LabeledAxis * > &axes)LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
LabeledTensor(const LabeledVector &other)LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
operator BatchTensor() constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
operator torch::Tensor() constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
operator()(S &&... names) constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
operator-() constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
operator=(const LabeledVector &other)LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
options() constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >inline
set(const BatchTensorBase< T > &value, S &&... names)LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >inline
set_list(const BatchTensorBase< T > &value, S &&... names)LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >inline
slice(const std::string &name) constLabeledVector
LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >::slice(TorchSize i, const std::string &name) constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
slice_indices(S &&... names) constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
storage_size() constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
storage_size(S &&... names) constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
tensor() constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >inline
tensor()LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >inline
to(const torch::TensorOptions &options) constLabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
zero_()LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >
zeros(TorchShapeRef batch_shape, const std::vector< const LabeledAxis * > &axes, const torch::TensorOptions &options=default_tensor_options())LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >static
zeros_like(const LabeledVector &other)LabeledTensor< LabeledVector, 1 >static