NEML2 1.4.0
No Matches

Available objects and their input file syntax

Refer to System Documentation for detailed explanation about this system.


Driver for large deformation solid mechanics material model. The material model is updated incrementally.

cauchy_stress_rate Cauchy stress rate

  • Type: VariableName
  • Default: forces/cauchy_stress_rate
control External control of the material update. Options are STRAIN and STRESS, for strain control and stress control, respectively.

  • Type: string
  • Default: STRAIN
cp_elastic_scale Elastic step scale factor used in the 'CP_' predictors

  • Type: double
  • Default: 1
deformation_rate Deformation rate

  • Type: VariableName
  • Default: forces/deformation_rate
device Device on which to evaluate the material model. The string supplied must follow the following schema: (cpu|cuda)[:<device-index>] where cpu or cuda specifies the device type, and :<device-index> optionally specifies a device index. For example, device='cpu' sets the target compute device to be CPU, and device='cuda:1' sets the target compute device to be CUDA with device ID 1.

  • Type: string
  • Default: cpu
ic_rot_names Apply initial conditions to these Rot variables

  • Type: vector<VariableName>
ic_rot_values Initial condition values for the Rot variables

  • Type: vector<Rot>
ic_scalar_names Apply initial conditions to these Scalar variables

  • Type: vector<VariableName>
ic_scalar_values Initial condition values for the Scalar variables

  • Type: vector<Scalar>
ic_sr2_names Apply initial conditions to these SR2 variables

  • Type: vector<VariableName>
ic_sr2_values Initial condition values for the SR2 variables

  • Type: vector<SR2>
model The material model to be updated by the driver

  • Type: string
predictor Predictor used to set the initial guess for each time step. Options are PREVIOUS_STATE, LINEAR_EXTRAPOLATION, CP_PREVIOUS_STATE, and CP_LINEAR_EXTRAPOLATION. The options prefixed with 'CP_' are specifically designed for crystal plasticity models.

  • Type: string
prescribed_cauchy_stress_rate Prescribed cauchy stress rate (when control = STRESS)

  • Type: Tensor
prescribed_deformation_rate Prescribed deformation rate (when control = STRAIN)

  • Type: Tensor
prescribed_vorticity Prescribed vorticity

  • Type: Tensor
save_as File path (absolute or relative to the working directory) to store the results

  • Type: string
show_input_axis Whether to show model input axis at the beginning

  • Type: bool
  • Default: false
show_output_axis Whether to show model output axis at the beginning

  • Type: bool
  • Default: false
show_parameters Whether to show model parameters at the beginning

  • Type: bool
  • Default: false
time Time

  • Type: VariableName
  • Default: forces/t
times Time steps to perform the material update. The times tensor must have exactly 2 dimensions. The first dimension represents time steps, and the second dimension represents batches (i.e., how many material models to update simultaneously).

  • Type: Tensor
verbose Whether to output additional logging information

  • Type: bool
  • Default: false
vorticity Vorticity

  • Type: VariableName
  • Default: forces/vorticity

Detailed documentation link


Driver for small deformation solid mechanics material model with optional thermal coupling.

cauchy_stress Cauchy stress

  • Type: VariableName
  • Default: forces/S
control External control of the material update. Options are STRAIN and STRESS, for strain control and stress control, respectively.

  • Type: string
  • Default: STRAIN
control_name The name of the control signal on the input axis

  • Type: VariableName
  • Default: forces/control
cp_elastic_scale Elastic step scale factor used in the 'CP_' predictors

  • Type: double
  • Default: 1
device Device on which to evaluate the material model. The string supplied must follow the following schema: (cpu|cuda)[:<device-index>] where cpu or cuda specifies the device type, and :<device-index> optionally specifies a device index. For example, device='cpu' sets the target compute device to be CPU, and device='cuda:1' sets the target compute device to be CUDA with device ID 1.

  • Type: string
  • Default: cpu
fixed_values Name of fixed values (when control = MIXED)

  • Type: VariableName
  • Default: forces/fixed_values
ic_rot_names Apply initial conditions to these Rot variables

  • Type: vector<VariableName>
ic_rot_values Initial condition values for the Rot variables

  • Type: vector<Rot>
ic_scalar_names Apply initial conditions to these Scalar variables

  • Type: vector<VariableName>
ic_scalar_values Initial condition values for the Scalar variables

  • Type: vector<Scalar>
ic_sr2_names Apply initial conditions to these SR2 variables

  • Type: vector<VariableName>
ic_sr2_values Initial condition values for the SR2 variables

  • Type: vector<SR2>
model The material model to be updated by the driver

  • Type: string
predictor Predictor used to set the initial guess for each time step. Options are PREVIOUS_STATE, LINEAR_EXTRAPOLATION, CP_PREVIOUS_STATE, and CP_LINEAR_EXTRAPOLATION. The options prefixed with 'CP_' are specifically designed for crystal plasticity models.

  • Type: string
prescribed_control The actual values of the control signal. 0 implies strain control, 1 implies stress control

  • Type: Tensor
prescribed_mixed_conditions The fixed, controlled values provided as user input for the mixed control case. Where the control signal is 0 these are strain values, where it is 1 these are stress values

  • Type: Tensor
prescribed_strains Prescribed strain (when control = STRAIN)

  • Type: Tensor
prescribed_stresses Prescribed stress (when control = STRESS)

  • Type: Tensor
prescribed_temperatures Actual prescibed temperature values, when providing temperatures to the model

  • Type: Tensor
save_as File path (absolute or relative to the working directory) to store the results

  • Type: string
show_input_axis Whether to show model input axis at the beginning

  • Type: bool
  • Default: false
show_output_axis Whether to show model output axis at the beginning

  • Type: bool
  • Default: false
show_parameters Whether to show model parameters at the beginning

  • Type: bool
  • Default: false
temperature Name of temperature

  • Type: VariableName
  • Default: forces/T
time Time

  • Type: VariableName
  • Default: forces/t
times Time steps to perform the material update. The times tensor must have exactly 2 dimensions. The first dimension represents time steps, and the second dimension represents batches (i.e., how many material models to update simultaneously).

  • Type: Tensor
total_strain Total strain

  • Type: VariableName
  • Default: forces/E
verbose Whether to output additional logging information

  • Type: bool
  • Default: false

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