NEML2 1.4.0
Refer to Syntax Documentation for the list of available objects.
Currently, PyTorch is the only supported tensor backend in NEML2. Therefore, all tensor types in NEML2 directly inherit from torch::Tensor
. In the future, support for other tensor backends may be added, but the public-facing interfaces will remain largely the same.
neml2::Tensor is a general-purpose dynamically shaped tensor type for batched tensors. With a view towards vectorization, the same set of operations can be "simultaneously" applied to a "batch" of (logically the same) tensors. To provide a unified user interface for dealing with such batched operation, NEML2 assumes that the first \(N\) dimensions of a tensor are batched dimensions, and the following dimensions are the base (logical) dimensions.
Unlike PyTorch, NEML2 explicitly distinguishes between batch dimensions and base (logical) dimensions.
A Tensor
can be created from a torch::Tensor
and a batch dimension:
The batch sizes of A
is (1, 1)
and the base (logical) sizes of A
is (5, 2)
neml2::PrimitiveTensor is the parent class for all tensor types with a fixed base shape. It is templated on the base shape of the tensor. NEML2 offers a rich collection of primitive tensor types inherited from PrimitiveTensor
. Currently implemented primitive tensor types are summarized in the following table.
Tensor type | Base shape | Description |
Scalar | \(()\) | Rank-0 tensor, i.e. scalar |
Vec | \((3)\) | Rank-1 tensor, i.e. vector |
R2 | \((3,3)\) | Rank-2 tensor |
SR2 | \((6)\) | Symmetric rank-2 tensor |
WR2 | \((3)\) | Skew-symmetric rank-2 tensor |
R3 | \((3,3,3)\) | Rank-3 tensor |
SFR3 | \((6,3)\) | Rank-3 tensor with symmetry on base dimensions 0 and 1 |
R4 | \((3,3,3,3)\) | Rank-4 tensor |
SSR4 | \((6,6)\) | Rank-4 tensor with minor symmetry |
R5 | \((3,3,3,3,3)\) | Rank-5 tensor |
SSFR5 | \((6,6,3)\) | Rank-5 tensor with minor symmetry on base dimensions 0-3 |
Rot | \((3)\) | Rotation tensor represented in the Rodrigues form |
Quaternion | \((4)\) | Quaternion |
MillerIndex | \((3)\) | Crystal direction or lattice plane represented as Miller indices |
Furthermore, all primitive tensor types can be "registered" as variables on a LabeledAxis
, which will be discussed in the following section on labeled view.
A factory tensor creation function produces a new tensor. All factory functions adhere to the same schema:
where <TensorType>
is the class name of the primitive tensor type listed above, and <function-name>
is the name of the factory function which produces the new tensor. <function-specific-options>
are any required or optional arguments a particular factory function accepts. Refer to each tensor type's class documentation for the concrete signature. The last argument const torch::TensorOptions & options
configures the data type, device, layout and other "meta" properties of the produced tensor. The commonly used meta properties are
: the data type of the elements stored in the tensor. Available options are kUInt8
, kInt8
, kInt16
, kInt32
, kInt64
, kFloat32
, and kFloat64
: the striding of the tensor. Available options are kStrided
(dense) and kSparse
: the compute device where the tensor will be allocated. Available options are kCPU
and kCUDA
: whether the tensor is part of a function graph used by automatic differentiation to track functional relationship. Available options are true
and false
.For example, the following code
creates a statically (base) shaped, dense, single precision tensor of type SR2
filled with zeros, with batch shape \((5, 3)\), allocated on the CPU.
Quoting Numpy's definition of broadcasting:
The term broadcasting describes how NumPy treats arrays with different shapes during arithmetic operations. Subject to certain constraints, the smaller array is “broadcast” across the larger array so that they have compatible shapes.
NEML2's broadcasting semantics is largely the same as those of Numpy and PyTorch. However, since NEML2 explicitly distinguishes between batch and base dimensions, the broadcasting semantics must also be extended. Two NEML2 tensors are said to be batch-broadcastable if iterating backward from the last batch dimension, one of the following is satisfied:
Base-broadcastable follows a similar definition. Most binary operators on dynamically shaped tensors, i.e., those of type Tensor
, require the operands to be both batch- and base-broadcastable. On the other hand, most binary operators on statically base shaped tensors, i.e., those of pritimitive tensor types, only require the operands to be batch-broadcastable.
In defining the forward operator of a material model, many logically different tensors representing inputs, outputs, residuals, and Jacobians have to be created, copied, and destroyed on the fly. These operations occupy a significant amount of computing time, especially on GPUs.
To address this challenge, NEML2 creates views, instead of copies, of tensors whenever possible. As its name suggests, the view of a tensor is a possibly different interpretation of the underlying data. Quoting the PyTorch documentation:
For a tensor to be viewed, the new view size must be compatible with its original size and stride, i.e., each new view dimension must either be a subspace of an original dimension, or only span across original dimensions \(d, d+1, ..., d+k\) that satisfy the following contiguity-like condition that \(\forall i = d,...,d+k-1\),
\[ \text{stride}[i] = \text{stride}[i+1] \times \text{size}[i+1] \]
Otherwise, it will not be possible to view self tensor as shape without copying it.
In NEML2, use neml2::TensorBase::base_index for indexing the base dimensions and neml2::TensorBase::batch_index for indexing the batch dimensions:
To modify the content of a tensor, use neml2::TensorBase::base_index_put_ or neml2::TensorBase::batch_index_put_:
A detailed explanation on tensor indexing APIs is available as part of the official PyTorch documentation.
In the context of material modeling, oftentimes views of tensors have practical/physical meanings. For example, given a logically 1D tensor with base size 9, its underlying data in an arbitrary batch may look like
where component 0 stores the scalar-valued equivalent plastic strain, components 1-6 store the tensor-valued cauchy stress (we use the Mandel notation for symmetric second order tensors), component 7 stores the scalar-valued temperature, and component 8 stores the scalar-valued time.
The string indicating the physical meaning of the view, e.g., "cauchy stress", is called a "label", and the view of the tensor indexed by a label is called a "labeled view", i.e.,
NEML2 provides a data structure named LabeledAxis to facilitate the creation and modification of labels, and a data structure named LabeledTensor to facilitate the creation and modification of labeled views.
The LabeledAxis contains all information regarding how an axis of a LabeledTensor
is labeled. The following naming convention is used:
So yes, an axis can be labeled recursively, e.g.,
The above example represents an axis of size 15. This axis has 4 items: a
, b
, c
, and sub
. "sub" by itself represents an axis of size 7, containing 2 items:Scalar
.Duplicate labels are not allowed on the same level of the axis, e.g. "a", "b", "c", and "sub" share the same level and so must be different. However, items on different levels of an axis can share the same label, e.g., "a" on the sub-axis "sub" has the same label as "a" on the main axis. In NEML2 convention, item names are always fully qualified, and a sub-axis is prefixed with a left slash, e.g. item "b" on the sub-axis "sub" can be denoted as "sub/b" on the main axis.
A label cannot contain: white spaces, quotes, left slash (
), or new line.Due to performance considerations, a
can only be modified, e.g., adding/removing variables and sub-axis, at the time a model is constructed. After the model construction phase, theLabeledAxis
associated with that model can no longer be modified over the entire course of the simulation.
Refer to the documentation for a complete list of APIs for creating and modifying a LabeledAxis.
LabeledTensor is the primary data structure in NEML2 for working with labeled tensor views. Each LabeledTensor
consists of one Tensor
and one or more LabeledAxis
s. The LabeledTensor
is templated on the base dimension \(D\). LabeledVector and LabeledMatrix are the two most widely used data structures in NEML2.
handles the creation, modification, and accessing of labeled tensors. Recall that all primitive data types in a labeled tensor are flattened, e.g., a symmetric fourth order tensor of type SSR4
with batch size (5)
and base size (6, 6)
are flattened to have base size (36)
in the labeled tensor. The documentation provides a complete list of APIs.