NEML2 1.4.0
No Matches
LabeledMatrix Class Reference

A single-batched, logically 2D LabeledTensor. More...

Detailed Description

A single-batched, logically 2D LabeledTensor.

#include <LabeledMatrix.h>

Inheritance diagram for LabeledMatrix:

Public Member Functions

void accumulate (const LabeledMatrix &other, bool recursive=true)
void fill (const LabeledMatrix &other, bool recursive=true)
LabeledMatrix chain (const LabeledMatrix &other) const
 Chain rule product of two derivatives.
LabeledMatrix inverse () const
 Invert a LabeledMatrix for use in an implicit function derivative.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LabeledTensor< LabeledMatrix, 2 >
 LabeledTensor ()=default
 Default constructor.
 LabeledTensor (const torch::Tensor &tensor, TorchSize batch_dim, const std::vector< const LabeledAxis * > &axes)
 Construct from a Tensor with batch dim and vector of LabeledAxis
 LabeledTensor (const BatchTensor &tensor, const std::vector< const LabeledAxis * > &axes)
 Construct from a BatchTensor with vector of LabeledAxis
 LabeledTensor (const LabeledMatrix &other)
 Copy constructor.
void operator= (const LabeledMatrix &other)
 Assignment operator.
 operator BatchTensor () const
 A potentially dangerous implicit conversion.
 operator torch::Tensor () const
 A potentially dangerous implicit conversion.
LabeledMatrix clone (torch::MemoryFormat memory_format=torch::MemoryFormat::Contiguous) const
 Clone this LabeledTensor.
void copy_ (const T &other)
 Copy the value from another tensor.
LabeledMatrix detach () const
 Return a copy without gradient graphs.
void detach_ ()
 Detach from gradient graphs.
void zero_ ()
 Zero out this tensor.
torch::TensorOptions options () const
 Get the tensor options.
TorchSize batch_dim () const
 Return the number of batch dimensions.
TorchSize base_dim () const
 Return the number of base dimensions.
TorchShapeRef batch_sizes () const
 Return the batch size.
TorchShapeRef base_sizes () const
 Return the base size.
const std::vector< const LabeledAxis * > & axes () const
 Get all the labeled axes.
const LabeledAxisaxis (TorchSize i=0) const
 Get a specific labeled axis.
TorchSlice slice_indices (S &&... names) const
 How to slice the tensor given the names on each axis.
TorchShapeRef storage_size () const
 The shape of the entire LabeledTensor.
TorchShape storage_size (S &&... names) const
 The shape of a sub-block specified by the names on each dimension.
BatchTensor operator() (S &&... names) const
LabeledMatrix slice (TorchSize i, const std::string &name) const
 Slice the tensor on the given dimension by a single variable or sub-axis.
LabeledMatrix block (S &&... names) const
 Get the sub-block labeled by the given sub-axis names.
LabeledMatrix batch_index (TorchSlice indices) const
 Get a batch.
void batch_index_put (TorchSlice indices, const torch::Tensor &other)
 Set a index sliced on the batch dimensions to a value.
BatchTensor base_index (TorchSlice indices) const
 Return an index sliced on the batch dimensions.
void base_index_put (TorchSlice indices, const torch::Tensor &other)
 Set a index sliced on the batch dimensions to a value.
variable_type< T >::type get (S &&... names) const
 Get and interpret the view as an object.
variable_type< T >::type get_list (S &&... names) const
 Get and interpret the view as a list of objects.
void set (const BatchTensorBase< T > &value, S &&... names)
 Set and interpret the input as an object.
void set_list (const BatchTensorBase< T > &value, S &&... names)
 Set and interpret the input as a list of objects.
LabeledMatrix operator- () const
LabeledMatrix to (const torch::TensorOptions &options) const
 Change tensor options.
const BatchTensortensor () const
BatchTensortensor ()

Static Public Member Functions

static LabeledMatrix identity (TorchShapeRef batch_size, const LabeledAxis &axis, const torch::TensorOptions &options=default_tensor_options())
 Create a labeled identity tensor.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from LabeledTensor< LabeledMatrix, 2 >
static LabeledMatrix empty (TorchShapeRef batch_shape, const std::vector< const LabeledAxis * > &axes, const torch::TensorOptions &options=default_tensor_options())
 Setup new empty storage.
static LabeledMatrix empty_like (const LabeledMatrix &other)
 Setup new empty storage like another LabeledTensor.
static LabeledMatrix zeros (TorchShapeRef batch_shape, const std::vector< const LabeledAxis * > &axes, const torch::TensorOptions &options=default_tensor_options())
 Setup new storage with zeros.
static LabeledMatrix zeros_like (const LabeledMatrix &other)
 Setup new storage with zeros like another LabeledTensor.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from LabeledTensor< LabeledMatrix, 2 >
BatchTensor _tensor
 The tensor.
std::vector< const LabeledAxis * > _axes
 The labeled axes of this tensor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ accumulate()

void accumulate ( const LabeledMatrix & other,
bool recursive = true )

Add another matrix into this matrix. The item set of the other matrix must be a subset of this matrix's item set.

◆ chain()

LabeledMatrix chain ( const LabeledMatrix & other) const

Chain rule product of two derivatives.

◆ fill()

void fill ( const LabeledMatrix & other,
bool recursive = true )

Fill another matrix into this matrix. The item set of the other matrix must be a subset of this matrix's item set.

◆ identity()

LabeledMatrix identity ( TorchShapeRef batch_size,
const LabeledAxis & axis,
const torch::TensorOptions & options = default_tensor_options() )

Create a labeled identity tensor.

◆ inverse()

LabeledMatrix inverse ( ) const

Invert a LabeledMatrix for use in an implicit function derivative.