NEML2 1.4.0
No Matches
SlipRule Class Reference

Parent class of slip rules, mapping from resolved shear and internal state to slip rates. More...

Detailed Description

Parent class of slip rules, mapping from resolved shear and internal state to slip rates.

#include <SlipRule.h>

Inheritance diagram for SlipRule:

Public Member Functions

 SlipRule (const OptionSet &options)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Model
 Model (const OptionSet &options)
 Construct a new Model object.
virtual std::vector< Diagnosispreflight () const
 Check for common problems.
virtual bool is_nonlinear_system () const
 Whether this model defines one or more nonlinear equations to be solved.
virtual void reinit (TorchShapeRef batch_shape, int deriv_order=0, const torch::Device &device=torch::kCPU, const torch::Dtype &dtype=NEML2_DTYPE)
 Allocate storage and setup views for all the variables of this model and recursively all of the sub-models.
virtual void reinit (const BatchTensor &tensor, int deriv_order)
 Allocate storage and setup views for all the variables of this model and recursively all of the sub-models. See the other overload for detailed description.
bool requires_grad () const
 Whether derivative has been requested for this model.
bool requires_2nd_grad () const
 Whether 2nd derivative has been requested for this model.
TorchSize batch_dim () const
 This model's batch dim.
TorchShapeRef batch_sizes () const
 This model's batch shape.
const torch::TensorOptions & options () const
 This model's tensor options.
const std::vector< Model * > & registered_models () const
 The models that may be used during the evaluation of this model.
Modelregistered_model (const std::string &name) const
 Get a registered model by its name.
virtual const std::set< VariableNameconsumed_items () const override
 The variables that this model depends on.
virtual const std::set< VariableNameprovided_items () const override
 The variables that this model defines as part of its output.
virtual void check_AD_limitation () const
void input_requires_grad_ (bool req=true)
 Set requires_grad for the input variables.
bool using_AD_1st_derivative () const
 Whether this model is using AD to get 1st derivatives.
bool using_AD_2nd_derivative () const
 Whether this model is using AD to get 2nd derivatives.
void use_AD_derivatives (bool first=true, bool second=true)
 Tell this model to use AD to get derivatives.
virtual void set_input (const LabeledVector &in)
 Set in to be the input of this model.
virtual LabeledVector get_output ()
virtual LabeledMatrix get_doutput_dinput ()
virtual LabeledTensor3D get_d2output_dinput2 ()
virtual LabeledVector value (const LabeledVector &in)
 Convenient shortcut to construct and return the model value.
virtual std::tuple< LabeledVector, LabeledMatrixvalue_and_dvalue (const LabeledVector &in)
 Convenient shortcut to construct and return the model value and its derivative.
virtual std::tuple< LabeledVector, LabeledMatrix, LabeledTensor3Dvalue_and_dvalue_and_d2value (const LabeledVector &in)
 Convenient shortcut to construct and return the model's value, first and second derivative.
virtual void value ()
virtual void value_and_dvalue ()
virtual void value_and_dvalue_and_d2value ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Data
 Data (const OptionSet &options)
 Construct a new Data object.
const std::vector< Data * > & registered_data () const
 All the registered data objects.
- Public Member Functions inherited from NEML2Object
 NEML2Object (const OptionSet &options)
 Construct a new NEML2Object object.
virtual ~NEML2Object ()=default
const OptionSetinput_options () const
const std::string & name () const
 A readonly reference to the object's name.
const std::string & type () const
 A readonly reference to the object's type.
const std::string & path () const
 A readonly reference to the object's path.
const std::string & doc () const
 A readonly reference to the object's docstring.
template<typename T = NEML2Object>
const T * host () const
 Get a readonly pointer to the host.
template<typename T = NEML2Object>
T * host ()
 Get a writable pointer to the host.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BufferStore
 BufferStore (const OptionSet &options, NEML2Object *object)
const Storage< std::string, TensorValueBase > & named_buffers () const
Storage< std::string, TensorValueBase > & named_buffers ()
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<BatchTensorBase<T>, T>>>
T & get_buffer (const std::string &name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ParameterStore
 ParameterStore (const OptionSet &options, NEML2Object *object)
const Storage< std::string, TensorValueBase > & named_parameters () const
Storage< std::string, TensorValueBase > & named_parameters ()
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<BatchTensorBase<T>, T>>>
T & get_parameter (const std::string &name)
bool has_nl_param () const
 Whether this parameter store has any nonlinear parameter.
const std::map< std::string, const VariableBase * > & nl_params () const
 Get all nonlinear parameters.
const VariableBasenl_param (const std::string &) const
 Query the existence of a nonlinear parameter.
- Public Member Functions inherited from VariableStore
 VariableStore (const OptionSet &options, NEML2Object *object)
LabeledAxisdeclare_axis (const std::string &name)
virtual void setup_layout ()
 Setup the layouts of all the registered axes.
VariableBaseinput_view (const VariableName &)
 Get the view of an input variable.
VariableBaseoutput_view (const VariableName &)
 Get the view of an output variable.
template<typename T = BatchTensor>
Variable< T > & get_input_variable (const VariableName &name)
template<typename T = BatchTensor>
const Variable< T > & get_input_variable (const VariableName &name) const
template<typename T = BatchTensor>
const Variable< T > & get_output_variable (const VariableName &name)
template<typename T = BatchTensor>
const Variable< T > & get_output_variable (const VariableName &name) const
LabeledAxisinput_axis ()
const LabeledAxisinput_axis () const
LabeledAxisoutput_axis ()
const LabeledAxisoutput_axis () const
Storage< VariableName, VariableBase > & input_views ()
const Storage< VariableName, VariableBase > & input_views () const
Storage< VariableName, VariableBase > & output_views ()
const Storage< VariableName, VariableBase > & output_views () const
LabeledVectorinput_storage ()
const LabeledVectorinput_storage () const
LabeledVectoroutput_storage ()
const LabeledVectoroutput_storage () const
LabeledMatrixderivative_storage ()
const LabeledMatrixderivative_storage () const
LabeledTensor3Dsecond_derivative_storage ()
const LabeledTensor3Dsecond_derivative_storage () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from NonlinearSystem
 NonlinearSystem (const OptionSet &options)
virtual void init_scaling (const bool verbose=false)
 Compute algebraic Jacobian-based automatic scaling following
BatchTensor scale_residual (const BatchTensor &r) const
 Apply scaling to the residual.
BatchTensor scale_Jacobian (const BatchTensor &J) const
 Apply scaling to the Jacobian.
BatchTensor scale_direction (const BatchTensor &p) const
 Remove scaling from the search direction, i.e. \( J^{-1} r \).
virtual BatchTensor solution () const
 Get the solution vector.
BatchTensor residual (const BatchTensor &x)
 Convenient shortcut to set the current solution, assemble and return the system residual.
void residual ()
 Convenient shortcut to assemble and return the system residual.
BatchTensor Jacobian (const BatchTensor &x)
 Convenient shortcut to set the current solution, assemble and return the system Jacobian.
void Jacobian ()
 Convenient shortcut to assemble and return the system Jacobian.
std::tuple< BatchTensor, BatchTensorresidual_and_Jacobian (const BatchTensor &x)
 Convenient shortcut to set the current solution, assemble and return the system residual and Jacobian.
void residual_and_Jacobian ()
 Convenient shortcut to assemble and return the system residual and Jacobian.
const BatchTensorresidual_view () const
const BatchTensorJacobian_view () const
BatchTensor residual_norm () const
 The residual norm.

Static Public Member Functions

static OptionSet expected_options ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Model
static OptionSet expected_options ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Data
static OptionSet expected_options ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from NEML2Object
static OptionSet expected_options ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from NonlinearSystem
static OptionSet expected_options ()
static void disable_automatic_scaling (OptionSet &options)
static void enable_automatic_scaling (OptionSet &options)

Protected Attributes

const crystallography::CrystalGeometry_crystal_geometry
 Crystal geometry class with slip geometry.
Variable< BatchTensor > & _g
 Slip rates.
const Variable< BatchTensor > & _rss
 Resolved shears.
const Variable< BatchTensor > & _tau
 Slip strengths, mapped from internal variables.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Model
std::vector< Model * > _registered_models
 Models this model may use during its evaluation.
bool _AD_1st_deriv
 Whether to use AD to compute 1st derivatives.
bool _AD_2nd_deriv
 Whether to use AD to compute 2nd derivatives.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Data
std::vector< Data * > _registered_data
 Registered Data objects.
- Protected Attributes inherited from NonlinearSystem
TorchSize _ndof
 Number of degrees of freedom.
BatchTensor _solution
 View for the solution of this nonlinear system.
BatchTensor _residual
 View for the residual of this nonlinear system.
BatchTensor _Jacobian
 View for the Jacobian of this nonlinear system.
BatchTensor _scaled_residual
BatchTensor _scaled_Jacobian
const bool _autoscale
 If true, do automatic scaling.
const Real _autoscale_tol
 Tolerance for convergence check of the iterative automatic scaling algorithm.
const unsigned int _autoscale_miter
 Maximum number of iterations allowed for the iterative automatic scaling algorithm.
bool _scaling_matrices_initialized
 Flag to indicate whether scaling matrices have been computed.
BatchTensor _row_scaling
 Row scaling "matrix" – since it's a batched diagonal matrix, we are only storing its diagonals.
BatchTensor _col_scaling
 Column scaling "matrix" – since it's a batched diagonal matrix, we are only storing its diagonals.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Model
enum  Stage { SOLVING , UPDATING }
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Model
static enum neml2::Model::Stage stage = UPDATING
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Model
virtual void setup () override
 Setup this model.
virtual void allocate_variables (int deriv_order, bool options_changed)
 Call VariableStore::allocate_variables recursively on all submodels.
virtual void setup_input_views () override
 Call VariableStore::setup_input_views recursively on all submodels.
virtual void setup_submodel_input_views ()
virtual void setup_output_views () override
 Call VariableStore::setup_output_views recursively on all submodels.
virtual void setup_submodel_output_views ()
virtual void reinit_input_views () override
 Call VariableStore::reinit_input_views recursively on all submodels.
virtual void reinit_output_views (bool out, bool dout_din=true, bool d2out_din2=true) override
 Call VariableStore::reinit_output_views recursively on all submodels.
virtual void detach_and_zero (bool out, bool dout_din=true, bool d2out_din2=true) override
 Call VariableStore::detach_and_zero recursively on all submodels.
virtual void set_solution (const BatchTensor &x) override
 Set x as the current solution of the nonlinear system.
virtual void set_value (bool out, bool dout_din, bool d2out_din2)=0
 The map between input -> output, and optionally its derivatives.
virtual void cache (TorchShapeRef batch_shape) override
 Cache the variable's batch shape.
virtual void cache (const torch::TensorOptions &options)
 Cache tensor options.
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Model, T>>>
T & register_model (const std::string &name, int extra_deriv_order=0, bool nonlinear=false, bool merge_input=true)
 Register a model that the current model may use during its evaluation.
virtual void assemble (bool residual, bool Jacobian) override
 Compute the residual and Jacobian.
virtual void allocate_variables (TorchShapeRef batch_shape, const torch::TensorOptions &options, bool in, bool out, bool dout_din, bool d2out_din2)
 Allocate variable storages given the batch shape and tensor options.
virtual void cache (TorchShapeRef batch_shape)
 Cache the variable's batch shape.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Data
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Data, T>>>
T & register_data (const std::string &name)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BufferStore
virtual void send_buffers_to (const torch::TensorOptions &options)
 Send all buffers to options.
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<BatchTensorBase<T>, T>>>
const T & declare_buffer (const std::string &name, const T &rawval)
 Declare a buffer.
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<BatchTensorBase<T>, T>>>
const T & declare_buffer (const std::string &name, const std::string &input_option_name)
 Declare a buffer.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ParameterStore
virtual void send_parameters_to (const torch::TensorOptions &options)
 Send parameters to options.
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<BatchTensorBase<T>, T>>>
const T & declare_parameter (const std::string &name, const T &rawval)
 Declare a parameter.
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<BatchTensorBase<T>, T>>>
const T & declare_parameter (const std::string &name, const std::string &input_option_name)
 Declare a parameter.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VariableStore
template<typename T , typename... S>
const Variable< T > & declare_input_variable (S &&... name)
 Declare an input variable.
template<typename... S>
const Variable< BatchTensor > & declare_input_variable (TorchSize sz, S &&... name)
 Declare an input variable (with unknown base shape at compile time)
template<typename T , typename... S>
const Variable< BatchTensor > & declare_input_variable_list (TorchSize list_size, S &&... name)
 Declare an input variable that is a list of tensors of fixed size.
template<typename T , typename... S>
Variable< T > & declare_output_variable (S &&... name)
 Declare an output variable.
template<typename... S>
Variable< BatchTensor > & declare_output_variable (TorchSize sz, S &&... name)
 Declare an input variable (with unknown base shape at compile time)
template<typename T , typename... S>
Variable< BatchTensor > & declare_output_variable_list (TorchSize list_size, S &&... name)
 Declare an output variable that is a list of tensors of fixed size.
template<typename T >
VariableName declare_variable (LabeledAxis &axis, const VariableName &var) const
 Declare an item recursively on an axis.
VariableName declare_variable (LabeledAxis &axis, const VariableName &var, TorchSize sz) const
 Declare an item (with known storage size) recursively on an axis.
VariableName declare_subaxis (LabeledAxis &axis, const VariableName &subaxis) const
 Declare a subaxis recursively on an axis.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SlipRule()

SlipRule ( const OptionSet & options)

Member Function Documentation

◆ expected_options()

OptionSet expected_options ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ _crystal_geometry

const crystallography::CrystalGeometry& _crystal_geometry

Crystal geometry class with slip geometry.

◆ _g

Variable<BatchTensor>& _g

Slip rates.

◆ _rss

const Variable<BatchTensor>& _rss

Resolved shears.

◆ _tau

const Variable<BatchTensor>& _tau

Slip strengths, mapped from internal variables.